Page 1: Thank you so much for considering taking part in this research project.

This study aims to explore sensitive topics and so it is crucial you feel comfortable about taking part and with sharing your experiences. This information sheet is to help you to make an informed decision about whether you want to participate. It will give you an overview of the purpose of the research, what your participation will involve and your right to withdraw at any time. Given the emotional nature of the research, you may have further questions or concerns prior to taking part. Please feel free to contact me to discuss anything in more detail.

My email is:


This study will be open for responses between February 2024 and May 2024. Please take your time reading this information sheet, don’t feel rushed and remember, there is no obligation to take part. At the end of the survey, there will be another separate link that leads you to a prize draw (for £200 worth of Amazon Vouchers) asking your contact information and name you wish to be known as (these will also be confidential), if you would like to join. If you want to join the draw, your responses and demographic information will remain anonymous.



Thank you & Best wishes,